I finished my degree and received a job as a Title I teacher. I helped students who were struggling with reading in grades K-2. It was a GREAT first job and eased me into mastering management, detailed lessons, and learning the importance of integrating reading into all objectives.
I moved into the classroom the following year and taught 2nd grade for two years. I LOVED teaching 2nd grade and felt like I was understanding the curriculum well. My principal decided to allow me to "loop" up with my current class to 3rd grade. This was absolutely the best career move. I loved being in a grade where I could take them from learning to read to reading to learn.
My career has taken yet another crazy, unexpected turn. My husband has been transferred for 18 months to England, so unfortunately I had to resign from my 3rd grade position. I am now developing 4th grade ELA curriculum for my school district's online school. In my spare time, I add to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
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